I can zoom out and you can see now, now I've got that extra space there. So now if I were to go and zoom in where the document is 300%, now if I click plus you can see it expands it to fill all the space because the document itself, the margins, are off to the left or right. Option and click the green button and it collapses it instead of expands it. So it won't expand the window to the point where I need that space.

So here in this Pages document if I expand the window a bit you can see I've got these margins here on the left and right side of the page. It enlarges it to fill the screen as much as it needs so everything fits in place. Now it doesn't enlarge it to fill the screen. What that does is it will change to a plus + symbol and I click on it and enlarges the window. You can also use the green button with the Option key held down. So, of course, to get out of this and exit full screen, I press the green button again. I can also use Control right arrow and left arrow to go back and forth between them. I've got the desktop, which is what I was working before, and a screen called Pages and I can jump to either one. Now when you go full screen you can actually use Control up arrow to see what you've got in terms of things full screen. You can see the menu bar comes back, the tool bar comes back, and there are those buttons with a green button there that changes a little bit to indicate that I can click to go back to the way it was before. If I want to get the menu bar back, or even those colored buttons, just move the cursor to the top of the screen. Everything else is gone except this one window in this app. So I will click on it and you will see now it's full screen. As a matter of fact take that particular window full screen.

One thing it does is to take the app full screen. The green button does two different things.

Some apps, where there's just one big window and it's all the app has, if you close it the entire app actually quits. If you're working on an older document and you've made some changes since the last time you saved you may be prompted to save the document before it closes. So you can close a window at any time and it will just close. Now modern applications automatically save the document when you close the window. Sometimes the middle button is referred to as orange rather than yellow although official Apple documentation always calls it yellow. These are the red, yellow, and green buttons, sometimes referred to as the traffic light buttons. Video Transcript: If you're new to Mac you may be wondering about the exact functionality of the three colored buttons that appear at the top left corner of just about every window you'll ever see on the Mac. Check out A Beginner’s Guide to the Red, Yellow and Green Window Buttons at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.